Price list

The Price List (Remuneration) for legal services provision:

Work out of contracts and other documents from 200,-EUR
Work out of written material to the court from 200,-EUR
Work out of written material to administrative body from 200,-EUR
Work out of legal analysis and legal counselling from 110,-EUR/hour
Representation on hearing before court from 200,-EUR
Representation at judicial proceeding from 200,-EUR/act
Representation at negotiation from 110,-EUR/hour
Formation of limited liability company (s.r.o.) from 450,-EUR
Formation of public limited company (a.s.) from 1.300,-EUR
Changes in the limited liability company from 300,-EUR
Granting of registered office (virtual office) without service from 10,-EUR/month
Granting of registered office (virtual office) with service from 30,-EUR/month
Selling of ready-made LLC company (shelf company) from 500,-EUR
Liquidation of company by agreement
Complete legal service for a natural person by agreement
Complete legal service for a natural person – businessman by agreement
Complete legal service for companies by agreement
Other legal service and other legal acts by agreement
Off-shore company formation from 1.300,-EUR
Legal counselling in field of tax optimalization by agreement
Company liquidation from 300,-EUR
Representation before Supreme Court by agreement
Legal service at divorce and family affairs from 200,-EUR/act
Legal service at property settlement by agreement
Work out of payment order motion within “Upomínacie konanie” (half court`s fee) by agreement
Work out of execution proceeding motion by agreement

Remuneration for legal services provided to a client shall be determined upon an agreement between an attorney-at-law and a client as the contractual remuneration before legal service provision in compliance with regulation of the Ministry of Justice of the Slovak Republic No. 655/2004 Coll., its amount depends on seriousness and complexity of legal solution.

Law office Advokátska kancelária JUDr. Pavol Kollár, s.r.o. is VAT payer and above mentioned prices are without VAT.

The Price List is valid from: January 2020

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